Domenic Labbate

State Machine Design Pattern

State Machine Design Pattern
Published: September 21st, 2024Last Edited: September 21st, 2024


The state machine design pattern is an effective approach for managing systems with multiple states, providing a clear structure for state transitions and their associated logic.

In order to illustrate the benefits of this approach, let's first begin with an example, without using the pattern.


Suppose we want to implement a Super Mario video game. The main character Mario can be in one of the following states:

public enum MarioState
public enum MarioState

Mario can also encounter various items and enemies, which will affect the state as depicted by the following diagram:

State machine diagram for Super Mario video game.
Super Mario Video Game

We might write some code like the following:

public class Mario
    private MarioState currentState;
    // ...
    public void ObtainMushroom()
        switch (currentState)
            case MarioState.Small:
                Console.WriteLine("Small Mario obtained a 🍄 mushroom! Powering up to Super Mario.");
                currentState = MarioState.Super;
            case MarioState.Super:
                Console.WriteLine("Super Mario obtained a 🍄 mushroom! Nothing happens as Super Mario.");
            case MarioState.Invincible:
                Console.WriteLine("Invincible Mario obtained a 🍄 mushroom! Nothing happens as Invincible Mario.");
    // ...
public class Mario
    private MarioState currentState;
    // ...
    public void ObtainMushroom()
        switch (currentState)
            case MarioState.Small:
                Console.WriteLine("Small Mario obtained a 🍄 mushroom! Powering up to Super Mario.");
                currentState = MarioState.Super;
            case MarioState.Super:
                Console.WriteLine("Super Mario obtained a 🍄 mushroom! Nothing happens as Super Mario.");
            case MarioState.Invincible:
                Console.WriteLine("Invincible Mario obtained a 🍄 mushroom! Nothing happens as Invincible Mario.");
    // ...

We can achieve this with conditional logic via switch statements.

However, if project requirements change (e.g. a new state is added), all the switch statements will need to be modified!

If we continued with this approach, our code would quickly become cluttered with switch statements that are difficult to maintain!


Let's see how we can refactor this using the state machine design pattern to make our code cleaner and more maintainable.

Class diagram for state machine design pattern.
State Machine Class Diagram

The key takeaway from this class diagram is that we encapsulate each state into its own class, all inheriting from the base State class.

States are extracted into their own class, implementing the same interface.

Some additional notes are listed below.

  • The Context class stores a reference to one of the concrete State objects in order to delegate all state-specific work.
  • The Context also exposes a setter for passing it a new state object (i.e. when we need to perform a state transition) via the TransitionTo method.

Refactored Example

Let's refactor our example to see what this would look like.

Refactored example using the state machine design pattern.
Refactored Example Using State Machine Pattern
using System;
// This class represents the Context class, which stores a reference to one of the concrete State objects.
public class Mario
    private MarioState state;
    public Mario()
        state = new SmallMarioState(this);
    // The Context exposes a method to update the State at runtime.
    public void TransitionTo(MarioState newState)
        state = newState;
    // The Context delegates logic to the State object.
    public void ObtainMushroom()
    public void ObtainStar()
    public void CollideEnemy()
using System;
// This class represents the Context class, which stores a reference to one of the concrete State objects.
public class Mario
    private MarioState state;
    public Mario()
        state = new SmallMarioState(this);
    // The Context exposes a method to update the State at runtime.
    public void TransitionTo(MarioState newState)
        state = newState;
    // The Context delegates logic to the State object.
    public void ObtainMushroom()
    public void ObtainStar()
    public void CollideEnemy()
// The base State class declares methods that all concrete State should implement.
public abstract class MarioState
    // The State class also provides a reference to the Context object.
    // This reference can be used by States to transition the Context to another State.
    protected Mario mario;
    public MarioState(Mario mario)
        this.mario = mario;
    public abstract void ObtainMushroom();
    public abstract void ObtainStar();
    public abstract void CollideEnemy();
// The base State class declares methods that all concrete State should implement.
public abstract class MarioState
    // The State class also provides a reference to the Context object.
    // This reference can be used by States to transition the Context to another State.
    protected Mario mario;
    public MarioState(Mario mario)
        this.mario = mario;
    public abstract void ObtainMushroom();
    public abstract void ObtainStar();
    public abstract void CollideEnemy();

A little detail you might notice in the base state class is that there is a also a reference to the Mario class, i.e. the Context class. This reference is necessary to transition the Context to another State.

public class SmallMarioState : MarioState
    public SmallMarioState(Mario mario) : base(mario) { }
    public override void ObtainMushroom()
        Console.WriteLine("Small Mario obtained a 🍄 mushroom! Powering up to Super Mario.");
        mario.TransitionTo(new SuperMarioState(mario));
    public override void ObtainStar()
        Console.WriteLine("Small Mario obtained a ⭐ star! Powering up to Invincible Mario.");
        mario.TransitionTo(new InvincibleMarioState(mario));
    public override void CollideEnemy()
        Console.WriteLine("Small Mario collided with an enemy! Mario is dead ☠️.");
        mario.TransitionTo(new DeadMarioState(mario));
public class SmallMarioState : MarioState
    public SmallMarioState(Mario mario) : base(mario) { }
    public override void ObtainMushroom()
        Console.WriteLine("Small Mario obtained a 🍄 mushroom! Powering up to Super Mario.");
        mario.TransitionTo(new SuperMarioState(mario));
    public override void ObtainStar()
        Console.WriteLine("Small Mario obtained a ⭐ star! Powering up to Invincible Mario.");
        mario.TransitionTo(new InvincibleMarioState(mario));
    public override void CollideEnemy()
        Console.WriteLine("Small Mario collided with an enemy! Mario is dead ☠️.");
        mario.TransitionTo(new DeadMarioState(mario));
public class SuperMarioState : MarioState
    public SuperMarioState(Mario mario) : base(mario) { }
    public override void ObtainMushroom()
        Console.WriteLine("Super Mario obtained a 🍄 mushroom! Nothing happens as Super Mario.");
    public override void ObtainStar()
        Console.WriteLine("Super Mario obtained a ⭐ star! Powering up to Invincible Mario.");
        mario.TransitionTo(new InvincibleMarioState(mario));
    public override void CollideEnemy()
        Console.WriteLine("Super Mario collided with an enemy! Powering down to Small Mario.");
        mario.TransitionTo(new SmallMarioState(mario));
public class SuperMarioState : MarioState
    public SuperMarioState(Mario mario) : base(mario) { }
    public override void ObtainMushroom()
        Console.WriteLine("Super Mario obtained a 🍄 mushroom! Nothing happens as Super Mario.");
    public override void ObtainStar()
        Console.WriteLine("Super Mario obtained a ⭐ star! Powering up to Invincible Mario.");
        mario.TransitionTo(new InvincibleMarioState(mario));
    public override void CollideEnemy()
        Console.WriteLine("Super Mario collided with an enemy! Powering down to Small Mario.");
        mario.TransitionTo(new SmallMarioState(mario));
public class InvincibleMarioState : MarioState
    public InvincibleMarioState(Mario mario) : base(mario) { }
    public override void ObtainMushroom()
        Console.WriteLine("Invincible Mario obtained a 🍄 mushroom! Nothing happens.");
    public override void ObtainStar()
        Console.WriteLine("Invincible Mario obtained a ⭐ star! Nothing happens.");
    public override void CollideEnemy()
        Console.WriteLine("Invincible Mario collided with an enemy! Enemy defeated.");
public class InvincibleMarioState : MarioState
    public InvincibleMarioState(Mario mario) : base(mario) { }
    public override void ObtainMushroom()
        Console.WriteLine("Invincible Mario obtained a 🍄 mushroom! Nothing happens.");
    public override void ObtainStar()
        Console.WriteLine("Invincible Mario obtained a ⭐ star! Nothing happens.");
    public override void CollideEnemy()
        Console.WriteLine("Invincible Mario collided with an enemy! Enemy defeated.");
// There can be additional logic for determining game over, etc.
// This was omitted for simplicity.
public class DeadMarioState : MarioState
    public override void ObtainMushroom()
        // Dead, so do nothing.
    public override void ObtainStar()
        // Dead, so do nothing.
    public override void CollideEnemy()
        // Dead, so do nothing.
// There can be additional logic for determining game over, etc.
// This was omitted for simplicity.
public class DeadMarioState : MarioState
    public override void ObtainMushroom()
        // Dead, so do nothing.
    public override void ObtainStar()
        // Dead, so do nothing.
    public override void CollideEnemy()
        // Dead, so do nothing.

And finally, the client can instantiate the Mario class and call the methods as required:

class Program
    static void Main()
        Mario mario = new Mario();
class Program
    static void Main()
        Mario mario = new Mario();


✔️ Code is organized into distinct state classes instead of conditionals, improving readability and maintainability.

✔️ The pattern allows for extensibility (e.g. if we need to add a new state or make modifications to an existing state without impacting other states).
